Saturday, December 24, 2005

Massive Commercial Success

I dont regard Christmas as something explicitly special. Well, yeah, there's a lot of food around and i like cooking them, else though, Christmas can be reduced to waking up at 12 midnight, eating Noche Buena, and sleeping again.
I'm not a scrooge, mind you. It's just that i don't, or haven't, found any reason to make Christmas something else that it is: a massive commercial success.
To hell with the meaning of Christmas. If it is buying special and slash or expensive gifts to the people that matter to you, it is too shallow. If it is giving and asking for the so- called 'pamasko' (but is really blackmailing as inaanaks supposedly have exclusive rights), then, the reason is nothing more but an economic distinction. If it is giving cards, marketable, impersonal, goes-out-to-anyone cards, then once again, Christmas just goes down as a massive commercial success.
I sound horrible.
Then again, Christmas is an opportunity to spend time with our families. Due to its massive commercial success, there comes a certain compulsion in most of us to live up to our spending: a compulsion to get together. I mean, you buy people gifts and cards and give them money. How do they get it? Saves gasoline and carbohydrates to just go in one place and facilitate the massive commercial success of Christmas.
It makes too much sense, i don't believe i thought of it all by myself.


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